A previous post explained how to create a CUPS printer which sends it output as a bitmap images to a web server. This small script gives an example how to post screenshots to the same server backend. The script utilises scrot to take a screenshot and curl to send the image file to the server.
#!/bin/bash # Takes screenshot (using scrot) and transmit it to server via http (curl) URL=http://your.server/your/path/index.php TEMPFILE=`/bin/tempfile --suffix=.jpeg` echo "Temporary file: ${TEMPFILE}" /usr/bin/scrot ${TEMPFILE} /usr/bin/curl -i -F username=${USER} -F page0=@${TEMPFILE} ${URL} CURL_EXIT=$? if [ ${CURL_EXIT} -eq 0 ]; then zenity --info --text="Kuvan lähetys onnistui" else zenity --error --text="Virhe kuvan lähettämisessä: ${CURL_EXIT}" fi rm ${TEMPFILE}